Charity Navigator

Chapman Partnership is a Charity Navigator 4-star charity, for the 10th year in a row, having achieved the highest rating for non-profits. Chapman Partnership is acknowledged for sound fiscal management, transparency and accountability.

We are proud to announce that we have earned our 10th consecutive 4-star rating from Charity Navigator. This is their highest possible rating and attaining a 4-star rating verifies that we exceed industry standards and outperform most charities in our area of work. Only 3% of the charities evaluated by Charity Navigator have received at least 10 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that Chapman Partnership outperforms most other charities in America. This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator sets Chapman Partnership apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness. Click Here to view our certificate.
Chapman Partnership has achieved the Platinum Seal of Transparency Rating on GuideStar, the world’s largest source of information on non-profit organizations. This rating puts our organization in the top 0.1% of charities nationally in terms of transparency.
The Platinum Seal of Transparency indicates that the organization shares clear and important information with the public about our goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements, and progress indicators that highlight the difference the organization makes in the world.
Donors can find in-depth financial information about our organization as they consider a gift that supports our mission.
Check out Chapman Partnership’s GuideStar profile.