Landlord Programming
The Key from Homelessness to home is you.
Chapman Partnership is looking to partner with Landlords and Realtors who can turn their vacant properties into new beginnings for our families and individuals.
How it Works:
• Timely rent payments guaranteed
• Security deposit & last month’s rent paid upfront
• Pre-screened tenants demonstrating a commitment to achieving self-sufficiency
• Case managers are available to assist landlords and tenants
• Quick tenant replacement when vacancy occurs
• Listed on our landing page and annual report as a Housing Partner
• Choice of a nextgen or Womenade membership
• Invites to events at Chapman Partnership
Ready to be the next stepping stone for someone in need?
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will landlords receive these funding from us?
It depends on the program. Chapman RRH is from 3-6 months. Chapman ESG RRH Program is for one year, however, they can move before the year ends if they are transitioned into permanent housing before the end of the lease. At that time we continue to pay the landlord and move another client into the unit, so the landlord does not lose funding. The voucher program will not be funded by Chapman, so we will not be responsible for monthly rental payments.
How do we guarantee that the resident can continue the payments once the vouchers/assistance ends?
We cannot guarantee payments after assistance ends. The lease agreement is between the client and the landlord. Chapman agrees to assist the clients with their rent for a partial time based on the housing program, however, the client and landlord are aware that the client is responsible for paying once the program ends.
Is the process similar to Section 8 housing? Will the funding cover any damages to the property? Will the funding cover any damages to the property? If so, what is the liability coverage for damage and repairs?
The voucher program will be funded through Section 8 or HUD, not Chapman Partnership. When a client moves out via Chapman RRH Funds and acquire damages to a property, the landlord has the ability to complete a claim with their insurance company and request mitigation funds from Chapman Partnership via our “Mitigation Funds”.
Will the funding cover any damages to the property? If so, what is the liability coverage for damage and repairs?
When there are damages to a property done by the client, the landlord has the ability to complete a claim with their insurance company and request mitigation funds from Chapman. We current have a fund called “Mitigation Funds” which comes from the RRH funding but are put aside for these situations.
What does the screening process look like? How are residents screened? How do we guarantee that the resident can continue the payments once the vouchers/assistance ends?
We cannot guarantee payments after assistance ends. The lease agreement is between the client and the landlord. Chapman agrees to assist the clients with their rent for a partial time, however, the client and landlord are aware that the client is responsible for paying once the program ends. When a client is initially placed in housing, the housing department verifies the client’s income, creates a savings plan with the client, budget, and application. Clients must save income in order to continue participating in the ESG and Chapman RRH Program. The requirements for the EHV Program are different. We will complete the application, identify housing, assign a follow-up case manager, but will not be responsible for rental assistance. The approved housing authority (PHCD, HHA, HACMB, or Homestead Housing) will be responsible for completing the clients yearly recertification for continued rental assistance.
Would the property need to pass an inspection?
Yes, our housing team completes an inspection on all properties based on Housing Quality Standards and Home Habitability Inspection.
How will we ensure that landlords will continue to receive this funding after our emergency funds have run out?
We can’t ensure that funding will continue. The client will have to re-certify every year with the approved housing authority to continue receiving assistance/funding from the program. Chapman will not be the funding source for the rental assistance.
Will the relationship then stay between tenant and landlord? Or will there be a designated Chapman partnership staff member that will be held accountable to ensure the tenant will continue to pay rent, etc.?
For the length of time that the client is under the housing program, the landlord can contact the assigned case manager. Once this ends, the relationship continues between the landlord and the tenant.
As a Realtor, will I receive commission?
Commission is only valid if this was agreed upon between the Realtor and the landlord and would be paid from the landlord to the Realtor for providing a tenant. This commission is not paid by Chapman Partnership. Chapman Partnership will only be responsible for providing move in cost or any other agreed upon rental assistance.
Is rent all that is covered, or utilities as well?
The ESG Program covers utilities if the client has no income. Chapman RRH Program does not. The voucher program will also provide a stipend for utilizes if the client has no income.