Make a difference in the lives of those most in need. Donate Goods.

Make a difference. Donate Goods.


nextgen is made up of Miami’s young professionals and community ambassadors, between the ages of 21-45, who work to increase awareness, revenue, and advocacy for Chapman Partnership.

Membership Benefits

  • Your annual membership dues help feed a family of four for two weeks at Chapman Partnership’s Homeless Assistance Centers
  • Nextgen members will have the opportunity to network with community and business leaders, as well as Chapman Partnership’s Board of Directors, at various social events throughout the year
  • Nexgen members will have the opportunity to enhance their own professional network by building partnerships with local businesses and community agencies
  • Nextgen members will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on community outreach activities by volunteering for projects that further Chapman Partnership’s overall mission: to empower the homeless.

Join nextgen - $100

  or   Donate Now

Thank you to our sponsors!

Diamond Sponsor

Bronze Sponsor

2023-2024 Council Members


Melissa Jordon

Hamilton Miller & Birthisel

I am committed to helping our community anyway I can and I love the work that Chapman Partnership does to help rehabilitate the homeless in our area and get people back on their feet #miamistrong” 

Chair – Elect

Gia Abreu O’Connor

Berger Singerman

“I am proud to serve Chapman Partnership because I get to help members of our community have the opportunity to change their lives.”

Council Members

Ryan Almonte

CEO and Founder, Grocially

Chapman’s mission is very important to me. I believe collaboration is the greatest way to serve any mission, and when we all come together amazing things can happen. I serve with the purpose and hope that together we can change the course of those struggling with homelessness here in South Florida by providing the necessary skills, resources, and support to get those in need back on their feet.”  

Arturo Borges

Managing Partner,
Avanti Way Capital

I deeply believe in not only giving back and serving, but in creating and inspiring the future of our community, and Chapman will evolve to be the fabric that holds this belief together.

Jacky Donate

Past chair of nextgen
Director of Development,
Baptist Health South Florida
Florida State University

“I serve on the NextGen council because I believe in helping those in need and bettering the community I grew up in. Improving the lives of individuals and families impacted by homelessness is very important to me.

The Forcade Group

Maurice Habif

Managing Director, JLL
Princeton University

I serve on the nextgen Council of Chapman Partnership because I believe Chapman’s mission is absolutely critical towards the growth of the city where I was born and raised, Miami.

Kathryn M. Hernandez

Regional Director, Miami
Florida Institute of CPAs (FICPA)

As a Miami native, I truly believe we live in the best city, in the best state. Sharing Miami’s version of the American Dream with the most distraught is a passion of mine. I am delighted to serve on Chapman Partnership’s NextGen Council to help make the dream a reality for all.

Chloe Horton

Fowler White Burnett, P.A.

“I serve on the NextGen Council of Chapman Partnership because I want to be part of the solution and empower those in my city. As a Miami native, I strongly believe in Chapman’s comprehensive system of ensuring that everyone that comes through the program is able to get back on their feet.” 

Elizabeth Jordon

Athletic & Youth Coordinator,
Riviera Country Club
University of New Hampshire  

“I really enjoy being apart of events with this group and love what they do for Chapman Partnership in supporting men, women and children in providing meals and being able to help them become more self sufficient as they get back on there feet.” 

Rachel Kozy

Healthcare Consultant, National Institute of Health

“I am proud to be an ambassador for the Chapman Partnership and believe strongly in their mission to empower all residents to overcome homelessness and achieve long-term self-sufficiency.”

Kaufman Rossin

I serve on the committee and support Chapman as I am very interested in serving and helping the people of Miami in a direct way in accessing housing, education, food and other resources. This special organization aligns with my values, and I hope my skill set can be resource.” 

Maya Vander Group

From the first time I was introduced to Chapman, I felt drawn to be a part of this organization because of the amazing work they do and the unique things that set them apart from other organizations. It’s incredible to get to be a part of an organization with so much Heart and Meaning behind their purpose. 

Ana M. Rodriguez

Real Estate Entrepreneur and Founder,
Arena Capital Holdings

I support Chapman Partnership so that no child should sleep on the streets.

Angie Santibanez

Public Policy Senior Manager, Community Engagement, Amazon

I am driven by a desire to help those in need in the local Miami community. I see myself as a student of leadership, always working to better myself and those around me, especially other women.

I am product of the 305- born and raised in Miami, FL. I am passionate about my family, creating a greater Miami, leadership, affordable housing, civic engagement, traveling the world, volunteering, wine, animals, and music (not in that order).

Hansell Hulsey Shook

Managing Partner,
Dynamic Leap
University of Virginia

“To help provide a place of solace and support for those in need.  And to make Miami the best city in the world for everyone who lives here.”

Elizabeth Sutherland

J.P. Morgan Private Bank University of Miami

I am grateful for the chance to make a small impact for such a deserving organization that aims to transform the lives of our city’s most vulnerable.

Tiffany Taylor

Founder of Elite Mind 

Master NLP Mindset Coach

She’s an ambassador of Chapman Partnership because of her parents and personal story struggling with homelessness in the past. It was through looking for housing options with her mom that she discovered the successes and power of Chapman’s Mission. From that day in 2018, she committed to being a part of the movement to end Homelessness.

Vincent St. Tracy III

Vice President,
J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Providence College

I was fortunate enough to grow up with a roof over my head and clothes on my back and want to do my part to ensure everyone does the same.


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