Make a difference in the lives of those most in need. Donate Goods.
Make a difference. Donate Goods.
As a donor, you play an important role in our mission to empower the homeless to self-sufficiency. Your gift to Chapman Partnership helps us provide life-changing services and assistance to more than 800 homeless men, women and children a day.
Chapman Partnership is part of the Amazon Smile program. When you are ordering supplies during this time, please consider doing so through this link and 0.5% of eligible purchases will go toward Chapman Partnership.
Go to AmazonThe need for donated items continues to grow every day. You can support the homeless men, women and children who reside at our centers by donating items from Chapman Partnership’s wishlist on Amazon. Your in-kind donation will be delivered directly to our centers and provide our residents with the necessities to achieve self-sufficiency.
Go to AmazonWhen you drive with a Live the Dream Florida license plate, you’re contributing to the advancement of Chapman Partnership’s nationally-recognized programming. All the funds generated from the license plate sale are used by the Dream Foundation to support the comprehensive programs for our homeless residents.
Buy an MLK TagChapman Partnership provides comprehensive services to serve as a Place of Hope for our homeless residents. We take great pride in ensuring that $0.86 of every $1.00 dollar raised by private donations is allocated to our mission.